Dear Friends, we need your help.

As you may have read, the location of the Parole Office from it’s current location across from
Elgin Street Public School is being hottly contested by the community.

The “No to 10 10 Coaliton” has done an amazing job in ensuring that CSC stick to it’s policy of not locating within 200 meters of a public access building. This requirement is of course in conflict with the current location of the Parole Office at the corner of Gilmour and Elgin across the street from Elgin Street Public School.

The location at Gilmour and Elgin was fought immediately when we discovered on September 7’th, 2004 that the parole office had opened across the street from our public school.

School parents immediately picketed the location and collected over 1500 signatures in support of moving the office from it’s current location. We then had to fight two federal ministries to get the move to be agreed. (Public works who is responsible for finding office space for federal ministries, and Correctional Services Canada.)

(Note: 94% of the Parents of Children at Elgin Street Public School were in support of its relocation.)

After two years of fighting we final received confirmation that the parole office would indeed be relocated from it’s current location. This confirmation was received two and a half years ago.

Albert Galpin, is a concerned parent that has had his 4 children attend Elgin Street Public school. It is through his tenancity and commitment that we have been able to convince the CSC to relocate from Gilmour and Elgin.

Unfortunately, as a result of his efforts of holding CSC accountable for their actions, Albert is being the victim of a SLAPP lawsuit (a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation). Through a numbered company, the current owner of the office space his suing Albert personally for $3.8 Million for loss of future income. The current owner is also believed to be the owner of The Business Inn and MacLaren’s Pub on Elgin street.

We are heading up a group in support of collecting funds for Albert’s defence. He has already personally incurred a bill of over $6000 in legal fees.

Albert and his family are requesting that the legal proceedings against them be dropped and that the parole office be relocated from it’s current location – as committed 2 and a half years ago.

We are establishing a legal defence fund for Albert. Any funds collected will be returned if the case is dropped against Albert.

As well, please let us know if you would like to provide any assistance with this effort and please forward this message onto your network – much appreciated.

Many thanks!

[Photo credit: Centretown News]